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{newsletter} > Activities > Cycling > Na Cerkljanski vrh, Ermanovec in Slajko

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Na Cerkljanski vrh, Ermanovec in Slajko


Starting point: Hotavlje

  • Path length :
    30.0 km
  • Time:
  • Difficulty:
  • Ground:
    Asphalt, Macadam

Description of path

Start in Hotavlje and take the main road toward Sovodnje. We recommend turning away from the main road in Podgora. Not only is the side road safer, but it is also well-maintained. From Trebija onward, cycle along the main road to Sovodnje, where you should follow the signpost toward Nova Oselica. From here, the road begins steeply ascending, so take the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful view. At the top of the ridge, turn onto the road connecting Bevkov vrh (to the left) and Kladje, which is our next destination. In Kladje, cross the main road and begin the ascent to Ermanovec. Continue on your way until you reach an intersection, then turn to the left and descend to Stara Oselica and Slajka. When you reach Slemen (above the church!), ride onto a macadamized road that first goes uphill, then turns downhill again. You should eventually reach a crossroads (approximately 26 kilometers from your starting point), where you should turn left and either ascend Slajka or continue forward and descend toward Hotavlje.

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The author of these pages takes no responsibility for the described cycle routes or for the accuracy of the data. We have presented the cycle routes to the best of our ability, but the cyclist and the maintainer of the route are ultimately responsible for the safety of the trip.